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Editing will often not be a friend to the creative side of your brain. The creative side may have helped you write the raw first draft and allowed you to spread your wordful wings into the experimental side of writing. But now it is time for your logical mind to rein everything back in for a critical assessment and to make your work publishable.


Share your work, meet others and enjoy the afternoon as you are taken through the different aspects of how to write a story that will not only be your voice and preferred style, but also one that readers will enjoy reading so that it is publishable if you wish to approach a publisher one day.


Events will be listed via the below pages:


Current Workshops



Saturday 16 January at 11.30am, Southbank, Melbourne, Vic.


Writer Workshop - Beginners to Intermediate
If you are a pro, please come along too. Your knowledge will be invaluable to others.

Please arrive on time so we can begin immediately.
Cost upon arrival $10 - There is a free raffle where you can win prizes.
Please bring laptops, pen, paper and 5 copies of your completed short story using this free competition. It can be the current short story competition or the upcoming competition:

11.30am: Introduction and get to know each other
11.45am: Genre introduction - what is your genre
12.15pm: Characters: how to flesh them out. Settings: pitfalls and tips. - includes practical application.
1.45pm: Plot and story arc development
2.30pm: Editing your short story - practical application

Everyone is welcome. Share ideas and thoughts. Have your work read by our group today.

No experience necessary. Everyone welcome.

Please only RSVP if you can make it. And also un-RSVP if you need to cancel.
We're booking the area, so we will need you to turn up if you say you are coming. Thanks.

Thank you,
Melbourne Writers.


Link to event:

Books on Editing & Writing

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers


Renni Browne Dave King

Workshops will

be listed via

and Facebook.

Please RSVP to



Our workshops repeat every few months and will generally be for all writers, from beginner to intermediate.


If you are a professional, please also attend. Your knowledge will help others.


We cover writing, editing, characters, dialogue, sentence structure, plot, and will often edit a piece you bring with you.


© 2021 World Writers Collective

MPC1 trading as Last Page p/l

16/12 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully, Australia.

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