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Peter Wigg is respected as a teacher, and for several years provided talks on mental health topics for community radio. He began creative writing in the 1990s.


NEWS: 06 - Apr - 2019

Read many short stories on my blog

See below

Peter Wigg book.jpg

The View from Ibadan by Peter Wigg

Price: $11.99 USD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 09 - Sep - 2015.

This first person account of a sojourn in Africa is a novel about culture shock and personal growth. Greg, a twenty-three-year-old Australian, arrives in Ibadan, Nigeria, racked by multiple unresolved dilemmas from home. He brings, as well, his sense of adventure and the energy of youth.

Also available in hard-copy or PDF version, by contacting Peter at Our Reader Rating ?/?.



Peter's Tales by Peter Wigg

Price: $0. Available on Peter's Blog. Languages: English. Published a short time ago and some recently.

Short, pithy stories in lucid prose. This blog was created specifically to make available Peter's many short stories. He posts a new one weekly, which is what you will see when you open the site. Scrolling down revels many more.

Our Reader Rating ?/?.


Peter Wigg



Peter Wigg is an Australian psychiatrist who has worked for extended periods in Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Iraq and Jordan, and visited hospitals and development projects in India and Sri Lanka. He has a lifelong interest in transcultural issues. In England in the 1980s he became a university lecturer and worked in student health services. Subsequently, as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in Melbourne, he took a particular interest in the efforts towards self-realisation of disaffected young adults from diverse cultural backgrounds. These parallel interests – in developing countries and in the personal development of young Australians – inform his writing. 

He edited a student magazine at university, and has published journal articles and numerous conference papers during his career. He is respected as a teacher, and for several years provided talks on mental health topics for community radio. He began creative writing in the 1990s, attending courses at Holmesglen TAFE where his teachers included authors Alex Miller and Jenny Dabbs. He has had two short stories published in Quadrant – selected by Literary Editor Les Murray – and a short play staged successfully in Melbourne. 

The View from Ibadan is his first novel, and he is currently writing a second one set in the Middle East.

Peter's life as a writer

Although I have studied medicine and worked as a doctor all my adult life, I have been equally interested in books of fiction, films and plays, and have always wanted to write creatively. I finally started doing this in the 1990s and have written a large number of short stories since then, as well as a couple of short plays and a novel which I published in 2016. I am also working currently on a second novel.


My interest in peoples’ minds, more than their physiological function, led me to specialize in psychiatric illness and eventually to train as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. My medical qualifications have also enabled me to live and work in many different countries. I also have a family. My wife, Carole, is a doctor with a particular interest in family therapy and my children, Kat and Ollie are both teachers of English.


I write well, I believe, in that my prose is clear and succinct with effective imagery, and moves along quickly with plenty of ideas. I write about all sorts of things that interest or amuse me, or make me think.  My stories, I hope, interest, amuse and provoke thought in others. One friend has compared my short story blog site to a box of chocolates with many different tastes to sample.



Contact Me


I can be contacted easily. Please feel free to email me at:

My Links




Scroll down and you will find thirty-two stories posted so far. I have also posted a non-fiction account of my time working as a psychiatrist in Iraq in 2009. You will find this at the bottom of your scroll, after the short stories.


Depending on your internet speed, the scrolling down may stop from time to time as more material is uploaded. Stopping does not mean you have come to the end of what is available. Just be patient and the scrolling will start again.


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