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Editing Services

Editing will often not be a friend to the creative side of your brain. The creative side may have helped you write the raw first draft and allowed you to spread your wordful wings into the experimental side of writing. But now it is time for your logical mind to rein everything back in for a critical assessment and to make your work publishable.


To have your work proof-read / edited by one of our experienced editors, send us an email via the CONTACT page to nominate your chosen editor and what work you would like done.


Prices for EDITS and evaluations

Alby delivers a full edit that includes line by line, word by word check to ensure sentence structure is sound, word use is specifically correct, grammar is used correctly.


She will also check story structure, characters, point of view, and how it might be received by your reading audience.


Recent reviews by writers after edits completed by Alby HERE

Initial evaluation

Once the first 1,000 words have been evaluated, Alby will reply to you with her edits as well as her thoughts, then you can move forwards to the next step of full manuscript evaluation.


Entire manuscript with detailed editing



Short pieces (flash fiction and poetry)


- A$40 for 1,000 words







- A$180.00 per 20,000 words min

  ($720 for 80,000 words)


- A$40 for up to 1,000 words

Books on Editing & Writing

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers


Renni Browne Dave King

Services by

Alby Blazo





Alby Blazo is best known for micro-fables of an Aesopian nature and tightly-packed poetry. Highly involved in the writing community, Alby has recently edited the MWSG Anthology and articles for various scientific fields. 



Read More and also recent editing reviews


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16/12 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully, Australia.

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