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Dorothy Shorne has written in both fictional and non-fictional formats ever since she can remember. She writes short stories, poetry and has novels started, but currently in the bottom drawer while other projects are finished.


NEWS: 7 - Feb - 2018

The first book in the Red Centre Series, The Red Heart, was published by Steam eReads. It will be re-released, shortly to be followed by Trust your Heart, and Daughter from Plenty River. Further details coming soon. 


Coming Soon by Dorothy Shorne

Price: $0.00 USD. Available on Smashwords and Amazon, Paperbook Orders Here. Languages: English. Published 28 - Aug - 2017.

Coming soon. Our Reader Rating ?/?.



Dorothy Shorne



Dorothy Shorne has written in both fictional and non-fictional formats ever since she can remember, but it is only in recent years that she has been able to dedicate more time to developing her craft. Her son leaving home may have been one of the key factors for freeing up more time, as did a move to an apartment in Melbourne.
Although not confined to specific genres, she writes romance under the name of Emily Hussey. Being a marriage celebrant for over 20 years has given her many great story lines. The work ranges from Contemporary New Adult, to Contemporary Saucy.

What is your story, Dorothy?

Under my own name, I write short stories, poetry and have novels started but currently in the bottom drawer while other projects are finished.


Non-fiction works have been published for the celebrant industry, giving great advice and suggestion for those getting married or wanting a naming ceremony.

Contact Me


For information on my current and projected works, under my pseudonym: Emily Hussey, you may like to visit my website or blogs. Ripples on the Pond is a social commentary on whatever takes my fancy. I look forward to your comments in response.

© 2021 World Writers Collective

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16/12 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully, Australia.

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