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Dean MacAllister is a fiction writer and world traveler from Melbourne. He enjoys writing about the dark and the strange.


NEWS: 29 - Sep - 2017

I have a selection of short stories available to read immediately, as well as a novel set to be released this year.

Monday the 28th of August by Dean MacAllister

Price: $0.00 USD. Available Here. Languages: English. Published 7 - Sep - 2017.

A first person tale of the horror of being hyper-aware. Good for a quick read with a hot beverage! 

Our Reader Rating 4.5/5.


Whores and Criminals by Dean MacAllister

Price: $3.53 USD. Available on Amazon. $22.00 USD for Paperbook. Languages: English.

Published 28 - Aug - 2017.

A collection of short weird and wonderful stories. Our Reader Rating ?/?.


Dean MacAllister



He travels the world looking for new experiences, stories and tries, occasionally successfully, to keep out of trouble. He has done extensive travel through every continent, from Laos to Antarctica, Brazil to Madagascar. He writes fiction and is currently writing his second novel for publishing. He enjoys getting lost, diving, wine, photography and trying something new.
He lives with his wife in Melbourne.

What is your story, Dean?

Later this year my novel ‘The Misadventures of a Reluctant Traveller’ should be available to pick up, at least in e-book format.


Here’s the blurb:

“Imagine not being able to sleep without worrying which country you will wake up in…”


Tagden Fitts has a problem, besides his name. His sleepwalking self is a traveller; a past-time he would rather avoid and his travels are beginning to take over his life. Destroying any chance of a relationship or career, he spends his life chasing after his own body, dreading the night he will finally wake up in a situation too deep to handle.


I wrote this story trying to imagine a character completely different from myself. Someone who hates travel, but is thrust into it without choice.

I’m really proud of this story and will update you all on it’s release date.

Wish me luck!


Also, these are the five authors that changed my life:

Isaac Asimov = Foundation
Michael Crichton = Sphere
Jeff Long = The Descent
Salman Rushdie = Midnight’s Children
Chuck Palahniuk = Survivor




Contact Me


I can be contacted easily via my website.

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