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Writing Competitions RULES

All entrants, please email competition entries to:


Include these details within the email:
1.    Your name (please do not type your name anywhere within the story, only add the title at the top).
2.    If you are a paying yearly member to WWC.
3.    The title of your story.
4.    Word count of your story.
5.    POV your story is written in (point of view - generally first or third person. The reason for this is we will judge the first and third person writing separately if we have enough entries to create a fairer playing field).
6.    Your email address.


All entries should be in MSWORD, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
See RULES below for more details before you submit.


Your email should look something like this:
1.    Name: Jane Doe
2.    Member: Yes (or No)
3.    Title: My Happy Day
4.    Word Count: 990
5.    POV: Third person (or first person)
6.    email:


Pay details:
ING Bank
Account Name: Mathew Clarke 
BSB: 923100
Account: 30544525

Editing and Preparation for Submission

Let other writers help you with your editing. It will greatly improve your chances of winning. You can do this by editing your story as much as you can, then attending writing groups. 

We have writer groups where we edit each other's. See below:

Events: Melbourne Writers Social

Email Jeremy to attend: Fernhill Writers


When writing short stories, it's best to keep to one character (maximum of three). You don't get a lot of space to establish a character's back story. So their personality needs to come from their actions and appearance. For example: Dirk yanked on the dog's lead and was rewarded with a yelp. He twisted his clean shaven face into a grin. 

In these few sentences we already know a lot about him. Keep it in mind when writing each sentence of your own.


Rules and FAQ

  1. Enter as many times as you like, but must be one story per payment.

  2. Fiction or non fiction is ok and any genre is ok.

  3. Entries are open to all ages and all countries.

  4. Entries to be submitted to:   

  5. Format each story to 12 point Times New Roman.

  6. Please supply your story as a RTF or Word doc.

  7. The story should not have been published anywhere else (except a personal blog, which is fine). Once the competition is over, you can submit and publish anywhere you like. This is regardless of whether you have won the competition or not.

  8. Do not include your name on the story, only within the email.

  9. We are not strict on the word count. A few words either way is fine. However, the judges will likely take it into account that you are not able to come close to the word count, and may take points off accordingly.

  10. If you are in the top three of either third person writing or first person writing, then your story may be included on the website and included within the end of year anthology, but only if we have a minimum of five entries for each POV writing style (if not, then all stories will be judged together with only one winner). Your submission is acknowledgement of this. You will however, retain all rights to your story. You do not have to be a member to be included within the anthology.

  11. Changes may be made to these rules at any time.

  12. Results will be posted on this website 1-3 months after the deadline for submission.

  13. Your submission is final. No changes can be made to your story once you have submitted. So please make sure you put your story away for a few days, then look at it again with fresh eyes before you submit to us.

© 2021 World Writers Collective

MPC1 trading as Last Page p/l

16/12 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully, Australia.

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