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For more info on Christie and her work, go to her website.



NEWS: 29 - Sep - 2017

Several of Christie's short stories, poems and non-fiction works have been published - one of which was translated and distributed in Korea.


Leave the Wake Behind by Christie Heart - Currently Sold Out

Price: $0.00 USD. Available at The Eastern Regional Library Service and West Gippsland Regional Libraries. Languages: English. Published 28 - Aug - 2017.

A powerful story of love and loss and transformation, told in a riveting full length novel inspired by original songs. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

SAMPLE or BUY NOW (sold out)

Sand And Locusts by Christie Heart

Sand and Locusts is a story that invites the reader to imagine far more than is portrayed. Life can be funny, but it also can sting you in the tail.  Rated 4/5

Christie Heart



Christie Heart is an author and singer/songwriter. Her debut novel, Leave The Wake Behind, is a heart-wrenching and uplifting story of love and loss, triumph and new beginnings. A page turning read inspired by original songs. Since its release in 2012, the book and Cd combo have sold rapidly and are in high rotation through Melbourne Eastern Regional and West Gippsland library services.


Several of Christie's short stories, poems and non-fiction works have been published - one of which was translated and distributed in Korea.


Christie has been awarded for her outstanding vocals and several of her songs have won awards or been short listed in Australia and Internationally.

A selection of her songs can be streamed and download on all major music sites (Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer….)


Christie holds a Bachelor of Social Work (Hons), a Diploma of Professional Counselling, with specialised training in the areas of mental health, family violence, human trafficking, sexual abuse and exploitation. For many years she worked in these fields before committing to full-time arts and writing.


She has written a picture book for young children and a chapter novel for older children and is currently exploring publication options while writing the first of a series of fact-based-fictional novels around a feisty, anarchic social worker, who heads a micro-NGO ‘Not Just a Body Inc.’, for women (and those who identify as women) in the sex industry.


Christie's writing is characterised by warmth and a depth of insight. Her characters leap from the page, so real you could hug them or shake their hand. For more info on Christie and her work, go to her website.

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