Angelique Fawns has been freelancing in agricultural magazines writing about local events and the farming experience since 2009. But her true literary loves? Dystopian fantasy. Horror. Science Fiction. Mystery. Suspense.
NEWS: 16 - March - 2021
I have created the second installment of my anthology for my previously published stories, which includes an extra chapter for each tale with info about the publishers.

Price: $0.00. Available on Postcript. Languages: English. Published 1 - April - 2019.
Life, death and food. A remarkable story about how caring for your livestock is the hardest route to take. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Planet Nine by Angelique Fawns A Journal of Magical Realism Anthology by The Gateway Review:
The story is Planet Nine, actually written under my own name. It will be in the Fall/Winter LGBT issue.
It is set in the same futuristic society as "Live Free or Die" and follows the adventures of an adulterous wife and her decision to move to another planet.

Death Metal Fan by Angelique Fawns
Price: $0.00. Available on Haunted. Languages: English. Published 21 - April - 2019.
A dark night of steamy outings. Our Reader Rating ?/?.
Rise and Shine by Angelique Fawns
Price: $0.00. Available on The Plaid Horse. Languages: English. Published 12 - April - 2019.
Stables and the corporate world. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Demonic Carnival: First Ticket's Free: A Dark Humor Short Story Collection (Demonic Anthology Collection Book 3) by Angelique Fawns
Price: see website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 1 - Sept - 2019.
You are traveling into a dark and humorous place. We start you off with light, soft stories, but be warned. You will find yourself falling into the ever darker, gorier, and more demonic stories with each passing story. From heartwarming endings to feeling like you just walked out of the Carnival Port-a-potty into another dimension - this collection will leave your mind spinning. The Fried Food stall, the Ferris Wheel, and even that carnival themed hotel in Vegas... all of it will never be the same for you after your visit to the Demonic Carnival. Remember... First Ticket’s Free... Our Reader Rating ?/?.

The Corona Book of Ghost Stories: The best in new short stories of the paranormal by Angelique Fawns
Price: see website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 1 - Oct - 2019.
‘The Corona Book of Ghost Stories’ brings you the best in 21st century ghost stories. There have been plenty of books with old ghost stories from writers no longer with us, but with this book we’re bringing you something different – the best in new ghost stories, each one newly written for and set in the 21st century.
Our Reader Rating ?/?.

THE GREAT PIG ESCAPE by Angelique Fawns
Price: $0.00. Available on riverriver.org. Languages: English. Published 1 - Sept - 2019.
True life hijinks of a team of Berkshire Sows who are breaking out of the farm...
Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Price: See website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 1 - Dec - 2019.
Sexual obsession takes a turn into hilarity and darkness when a special tattoo stains this relationship.
Our Reader Rating ?/?.

A Time To Forget by Angelique Fawns
Price: See website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 1 - Oct - 2019.
n a futuristic time of no privacy, one woman stages a rebellion that could change everything.
Our Reader Rating ?/?.

The Midlife Storm by Angelique Fawns
Price: See website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 29 - Oct - 2019.
She's beautiful, accomplished, and has the perfect life. But she is about to crack...
Our Reader Rating ?/?.

The Versa Vice by Angelique Fawns
Price: See website. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 5 - Jan - 2020.
A university experiment goes horribly right for one uniquely talented student.
Our Reader Rating ?/?.
More NEWS from Angelique Fawns:
-Mannison Press has purchased the rights to Wyatt and the Wog for their Little Boy Lost Anthology
-Strangely Funny VII has purchased my short story The Writing Retreat
-Hawk & Cleaver The Other Stories podcast will be airing my horror short MgS04
Recommended by Angelique Fawns:
The Serial Rapist Down the Street by M.L. Plumb
Angelique Fawns
Angelique Fawns is a Television Writer and Producer for Global TV in Toronto, Canada. She has been enticing viewers to tune-in for over 20 years. Some of her current shows include Big Brother, Chicago Fire, PD and Med, The Good Place, and Big Brother Canada. She lives on a farm with her husband, daughter, herd of cows, fainting goats, five horses, mastiff dog and llama. She has been freelancing in agricultural magazines writing about local events and the farming experience since 2009. But her true literary loves? Dystopian fantasy. Horror. Science Fiction. Mystery. Suspense.
What is your story, Angelique?
Angelique Fawns was born in farming community of Chatham, Ontario, but grew up in the rough and tough streets of Parkdale, Toronto. After obtaining her degree in Journalism from Carleton University, she travelled the world working in media in several different countries. Highlights include volunteering in Mooloolaba, Australia for a tourist information radio show at Suncoast FM, then working on Tenerife in the Canary Islands to write for Island Connections newspaper.
As a young child she was fascinated by The Twilght Zone, and her earliest ambition was to create stories of the surreal. An obsession with the works of Stephen King and Deen R. Koontz came next, followed by a fascination with young adult dystopian fantasy. She tries to mirror the same creepy vibe in her work and likes to feature strong female characters.
Currently many of her short stories explore a futuristic world where a FaceBook-like entity grows and becomes an oligarchy called The Corp. Everything is on-line. Personal privacy becomes a thing of the past. Everything and everyone is monitored.
What else have you written?
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine is publishing a short story of mine in their department of First Stories called “Three Calendars”
Flying Ketchup Press has an upcoming anthology Tales from the Dream Zone and my story “The Versa Vice” will be in it.
I also have a story published on a blog called The Plaid Horse called “Rise and Shine”.

Contact Me
I can be contacted through social media (can't we all?) and happy reading!
My Links
Website: www.fawns.ca
Facebook: Social Media Promotions by AF Producer
Amazon Author: www.amazon.com
Twitter: twitter.com/angeliquefawns