Alby is a short-story writer trying to explain nature and the world around, occasionally including world mythologies.
NEWS: 08 - Feb - 2022
Vice president of Grand Rapids Region Writers Group (GRRWG) from Nov 2019-Dec 2021
Currently President of GRRWG, started 2022
Founder of Love, Luna Press www.lovelunapress.com

How Worms Came Into Being by Alby Blazo
Price: $0.00 USD. Available in Paper book soon. Languages: English. Published 2 - Dec - 2017.
A collection of short fiction, memoir, and poetry written in response to the theme 'new beginnings'. Twenty talented authors have contributed their original work, representing the diversity of women writers in the Melbourne community. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Loveless Legend of the Mainz Parrots by Alby Blazo
Price: $20.00 AUD. Available in paperbook via The Melbourne Writers Social Group. Languages: English. Published July - 2017.
A collection wonderful of short stories written by the Melbourne Writers Social group, brought together by the common theme of Family. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Price: $3.00 USD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 11 - Mar - 2021.
Whales are being hunted at an unsustainable rate, destroying the natural balance of the ocean. These international authors raise their pens to protest the destruction of these gentle giants, lending their voices to support the activists on the frontlines. Within, the beauty of whales is juxtaposed with the stark reality of their situation at the tipping point of survival, providing a mirror to a society that doesn't always want to look. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

Price: $4.63 USD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 2 - Dec - 2017.
Fancy Fastwater dances through cities, curving around the bends of life, never settling anywhere for the reader to become too entrenched. Each beat in this discography of a traveler washes over a moment, yet will sit with the reader for a lifetime. This collection of tightly-knit poetry interweaves nature with urban infrastructure against the backdrop of complicated relationships. Our Reader Rating ?/?.

True & Less True Histories by Alby Blazo
Price: $0.00 USD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 16 - Jan - 2022.
Truth becomes legend, nearly forgotten, until a mosquito whispers in your ear or the wind guides your step. These are the stories of the plants and animals, of the world around us and how it came to be. Our Reader Rating ?/?.
Captured by a Knight by Alby Blazo
Price: $4.01 USD. Available on Amazon. Languages: English. Published 30 - Nov - 2021.
Ryder Knight has mocked me and my reading habits since middle school. I'm so close to escaping him, I can practically feel it. I just need to keep my head down and get through my senior year, then I'm free. Our Reader Rating ?/?.
Alby Blazo
Alby Blazo is best known for micro-fables of an Aesopian nature and tightly-packed poetry. Highly involved in the writing community, Alby has recently edited the MSWG Anthology and articles for various scientific fields.
World travels have allowed different cultures to influence Alby's writing so that she is now working towards having many pieces published.
Vice president of Grand Rapids Region Writers Group (GRRWG) from Nov 2019-Dec 2021
Currently President of GRRWG, started 2022

What is your story, Alby?
Born in a midsize city in the middle of Michigan, Alby moved abroad to the north of England to drink copious amounts of tea while obtaining a degree. Instead of returning home, Alby settled for three years in Germany as she tackled the learning of the native language.
Seeking a warmer climate, Alby moved to Melbourne to take up writing in hopes of becoming an author. Until that dream comes true, the days are spent editing and encouraging other authors to keep working on their own dreams.
Pieces written by Alby:
Blazo, Alby. “How Worms Came Into Being.” New Beginnings. Melbourne: Women Who Write, 2017. Print.
Blazo, Alby. “The Loveless Legend of the Mainz Parrots.” Ties That Bind. Melbourne: MWSG, 2017. Print.
Blazo, LB. “Gone.” Sampler XXII. Grand Rapids: D&D Printing, 2010. 34. Print.
Blazo, LB. “I Woke Up Late.” Sampler XXII. Grand Rapids: D&D Printing, 2010. 37. Print.
Pieces edited by Alby:
Blazo, Alby, ed. Ties That Bind. Melbourne: MSWG, 2017. Print.
Scurry, Nichola. With the Music. Melbourne: Fluffy Dog, 2017. Print.
Silagadze, Nanuli. "Why Are Referendums Successful in Europe? A Comparative Approach." Diss. Goethe Universität, 2015. Print.
Zychowski, L. M.; Logan, A.; Kelly, A.L.; Auty, M.A.E "Synchrotron Application in Functional Foods." Teagasc Research Autumn 2016 (2016): 26-27. Print.
Zychowski, L. M, et al. "Effect of Phytosterols on the Crystallization Behavior of Oil-in-Water Milk Fat Emulsions." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64.34 (2016): 6546–54. Print.
I hold a master's degree in English, and started out by writing and performing poetry. I began editing in 2012 with academic papers, master theses, and journal articles. I have contributed editing notes to "With The Music" and the "Melbourne Writers Group Anthology". When I moved to Melbourne I became more involved with editing fiction and was heavily involved with a critique group.
Where do your ideas for stories come from, Alby?
Ideas come best when walking down the street or in a garden, when you see something and ask, “Why? How?” Then just make up an answer and another answer, you can make as many answers as you like. Reading and chatting with other writers also helps.
Information about my books.
I am currently compiling a collection of fables for publication. The fables range from micro-fiction to short story, giving explanations to nature and a new look at the side of the gods we haven't seen before.
Reviews from writers after successful editing by Alby
Writing an entire work can be fraught, hard on the self-esteem and exhausting. Then comes the daunting part: the professional edit. Alby Blazo set me plenty of work and it was well worth it.
With her comments, suggestions and corrections and under her guidance I undertook a steep gradient. Instead of wading around in passages I felt discouraged with I let them rest. Alby spotted them and made incisive recommendations. She gave me a sense of security and a desire to continue to produce really beautiful work.I would definitely come back to her again.
Magz Morgan
Contact Me
Please feel free to reach out by filling in the the WWC CONTACT form so that I am able to help you with your manuscript.
My Links
Founder of Love, Luna Press: www.lovelunapress.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alby-blazo
My writer group: www.facebook.com/grrwritersgroup & grrwg.wordpress.com