A World of Readers
There are so many stories, novels, blogs, and books to read online that it has become difficult to decide on what to buy.
This site strives to provide a great opportunity to read what is outside of the regularly available commercial market. You will find many works that are unique in their own entertaining way. Some are free, while others have a small price tag attached. All will be of quality. All will entertain or inform you.
Click the list for further information:
Services for editing or illustrating your work and much more
Writers Sauce: Subscriber emails. A great source of information.
Sponsor: New sponsorship from friendlyfamiliars.com - a way to meet new people when your friend circle is shrinking.
Lots to READ
This is a great place to come and read many works from many different writers. We have a large range of genres including, thriller, fantasy, drama, historical, adventure, realism, children’s stories, young adult, experimental, poetry, scripts, travel, sport, memoir, biography, romance, and more yet to come.
Each individual author's page has been designed to reflect their written work in a unique way that represents their writing style, genre, and personality. On all pages you will have the opportunity to read or download samples of the author's work, read about their progress, and contact them if you have any questions. An author's accomplishments and their creative lives can often be as interesting as their written work. It is a way to become fully immersed within an author's work and life.
Each author will also be offering some works free, while others will have attached a small cost. These costs will be set at the lowest possible price so that you can enjoy your reading time without affecting your budget.
If you also want to become a writer, then reading other writer's works is the best way to start. Have a look around and discover what it is you like.
You are about to enter the extraordinary lives of our world writers. These authors have developed many interesting and in depth writing styles that have progressed to the publishing stage.

Join in and write.
Support the World Writers Collective so they can publish you.
Your story at the top of the website with the other top 5 winners, plus entered into our anthology. And a big chance of winning because this is a new competition with very few entries :)
Also, let other writers help you with editing.
You can do this by editing your story as much as you can, then putting it in Dropbox so others can check it over for you.
For instructions go to our competitions page:

Benefits of becoming a member WRITER
1) Your own page on this website.
See the Jane Doe Sample Page and the John Doe Sample Page.
2) Your achievements announced on our webpage.
3) Your book launch announced on our webpage and emailed to all our subscribers.
4) Your chance to have your best writing piece at the top of our main page to draw in hundreds of readers.
5) A valuable network of writers that help each other edit, write, throw ideas around, and discuss writing techniques, as well as publishing techniques.
6) Free entry into writing competitions.
What are you waiting for? This is it!
A world of writers have come together to create the Writers Collective. It is here that everyone can become fully immersed within a writer’s work and learn all about your developing career. This is your first step to becoming a paid writer. No, you are not a sell-out. Instead, you will be recognised for the work you already do.
However, it is not an easy road and requires lots of time and even more patience. But this is what appeals to literary agents, publishers, and editors: being ready to pitch a finished written piece that already has a readership base.
For now, offering up free samples as well as free full-length stories (if you wish to), is the way you are going to build up a large readership.
All writing welcome. Novels, poetry, non-fiction, scripts, everything.
To help with the running of this website there is a small cost of $20 for an entire year (free for 2017). At present, this will not need to rise. However, it is best to call this the introductory amount while author numbers are building.
As well as notifications on this website regarding everyone's work, such as book launches, being a winner or runner-up for writing competitions, being published (traditional and self-published), and other successes, you will also have your own page to post up work, add links to your blog, links to your website, links to where you are selling your books online and hard-copy, and much more. For only $20, it is a good deal.
Even if you have other creative things you want to show off or sell, you are welcome to list these as well. Maybe you paint, maybe you have an EBAY store, or maybe you host roll playing games. Feel free to list these as well!
Check out the website and the author pages that are already populated and see what you think. If you like what you see, then please get in touch.

World Writers Collective webpage contributors:
Editing will often not be a friend to the creative side of your brain. The creative side may have helped you write the raw first draft and allowed you to spread your wordful wings into the experimental side of writing. But now it is time for your logical mind to rein everything back in for a critical assessment and to make your work publishable.
Learn The Basics
The first thing you need to do is learn the rules of writing. The best way to do this is to read all the books you can on writing and editing. It will often take years of reading, writing, editing your own work, then other people's work, and discussing these things with other writers to truly become great at editing. And just when you thought you knew it all, along will come someone that knows more than you and you will realise how much you do not know. So, keep reading, keep writing, and keep editing.
You will often be tempted to break the rules regarding your writing. And that is fine if you do not want to have your work published. In fact, I would encourage you to write how ever you want and often, just for fun. Then, when you are ready to get published, then go back to sticking to the rules. It will increase your odds of getting published.
So, you still do not want to stick to the rules? Or is it too hard? I remember wondering why editors would want to change my work, and decided they were idiots for not realising my work was unique and did not need to be changed so drastically. They were always telling me that I needed to make my masterpiece into something it was not, and I never wanted to do that. Writing is a creative past-time, and I should be able to write how ever I want!
I was wrong. If you want to be published, do not break the rules. Once you have learnt all the rules and received your writing back from an editor with no red marks, then you can start thinking about breaking one or two rules. But only then, and only if you really really have to get your scene to work correctly.
Here are some common errors with writing:
Over writing: Writing more than is required to get your point across: The dog wandered past the trashcan sniffing and smelt a delightful left over sandwich while wagging its tail because it was happy.
"because it was happy" is not required. The reader will already know this. Plus the sentence is too long anyway.
Telling instead of showing, or as I like to put it, expressing: Regardless of how you put it, it is better if you let the description of a room or person be a part of the story.
Rather than: In the room was a chair and a table.
Write: I often sat in my old wooden chair that creaked and rocked while tapping away on the chestnut table to...
Sometimes "was" can make the sentence sound like it happened earlier rather than right now.
"He looked to be in his fifties and was sporting a goatee that was graying around the chin" becomes:
"He looked to be in his fifties and sported a goatee graying around the chin"
Passive writing is mostly putting the subject after the object. It takes a while to learn, but is great once you know what the difference is.
Active: John loves May.
Passive: May is loved by John.
In passive voice, the target of the action gets promoted to the subject position.
Using other words instead of "said" as a speaker attribute: Only "said" should ever be used. Please do not break this rule.
Adding words to tell us how a person is feeling: "No way," John said, emphatically. Please do not add these additional words. These are rules that should never be broken. Instead, you need to change your sentence so it shows us how the person is feeling when they talk.
"ly" adverbs. Either use them not at all, or sparingly. A few every 5,000 words if it is the only way the sentence works properly.
Using words in a story that you would say in real life, which should not be used within a story: This is for non-dialogue within a story.
Using dialogue that is simple, but not too simple, easy, but not too easy, and only rarely using, "umm" and "err". Instead we should see that a person is nervous in your description.
Having dialogue on the same line as regular story telling is fine. However, do not mix two actions by two different people. Or dialogue from two different people.
"I'm hungry." John opened the fridge and found a pizza slice, which he popped into his mouth. "Yum, you want some?"
Julie shook her head. "You're a pig. I'm going home."
The above is fine.
"I'm hungry." John opened the fridge and found a pizza slice, which he popped into his mouth. "Yum, you want some?" Julie shook her head.
"You're a pig. I'm going home."
The above is not fine. Julie is doing an action within John's dialogue.
Not a good idea: Changing POV (point of view) to another person within a short story (depends on the size of the story and how you do it), or in any story in a jarring way, or without leaving a space to show you are changing POV.
The below is fine, but often the reader will know that the person is already looking at the person he is talking to. So is not required. Or, more information would be better.
He looked at her face.
Maybe instead: He stared into her eyes. Or, He scanned her face for a reaction, then looked back to his notes.
More will be added as time goes along.
Let Us Help You Edit
You can do this by editing your story as much as you can, then putting it in this folder so others can check it over for you:
"Ongoing Editing for Publishing 2017"
Quick video on how to use DropBox: https://youtu.be/GAls7FbvcYw
My email if you need more info: matclarke.author@gmail.com
Before you drop your file in the folder, please name it with the title only without your name so it is anonymous:
Example: My Big Day
When you edit someone' work, please do not alter the original. Make a copy and alter that. Then when you edit it put your initials at the end.
Example: My Big Day - edited by HL
Edit as many people's work as you can.
You can edit using MSWords functionality, dropboxes functionality, or by just typing in the duplicate document as you see fit. Just make sure you make note of all corrections so that the author of the story knows what you are changing and why.

Helping each other check over and edit our writing
Get involved every first Monday afternoon of the month 5-8pm
Do you need someone to read over your work?
Have you exhausted all friends and family and you now don't think they will be able to give you an objective view?
Would you like a point of view from someone from the other side of the world?
Is your dialogue working?
Is your first sentence going to catch people's attention quickly enough?
Is the ending great?
Is the sentence structure ok?
Why not have your work checked by other writers sitting at home. It's FREE!
Sign up to Googledocs for PERSONAL USE: www.google.com.au/docs/about
Click on the folder icon to the far right
Drag and drop to the page.
Make it a Google Docs File (click on share, which is to the top right, then it wil convert it to a Google Docs File).
Click on SHARE (again).
Get a shareable link by clicking on the link icon. Copy it, then paste it to our Facebook Groups: 1) www.facebook.com/groups/169777419779168 2) www.facebook.com/groups/570847673015529
Here's a video with step by step instructions: 1) youtu.be/lJBfUvWamLE 2) youtu.be/E2NVEernG8w
You can give helpful feedback in any way you see fit. Please keep it polite. Google docs allows you to add comments right alongside the text you think could do with some improvement.
Not sure how to give feedback? That's ok, start with this general idea:
Make a positive comment about the work. Example: I enjoyed the intesity of the main character.
Give some constructive critisism. Example: Concentrate on the plot and what the character wants to ensure the reader stays engaged.
Then maybe some useful tips. Example: If you would like to fill out a charachter with further depth, try writing down everything about the character including what cereal the person eats and what their best friend calls them as a nickname.
Here is a document you can read if you want to go into high detail:
We have created a dedicated time for this to happen to enable faster response times from writers. This means more people will be online to read and give feedback. You can post your work up at any time, but this is a premium time and day to do so:
First Monday of every month 5-8pm.
Post your link on Facebook at a maximum intervals of once per week until you get enough people commenting and giving feedback on your work. Put in a short note asking people to check out your work and give feedback.
Caution: The longer the piece, the less inclined people will be to read and give feedback. Therefore, if it is a full novel, maybe only add a chapter at a time.
Please feel free to comment and edit as you see fit. However, please also understand that there is a person behind the piece that you are giving feedback on. So instead of: you need to make this much more interesting. You could type this: I like the way you explained about Tom and his messy room, but finding a way to keep the reader interested will help this become a better piece. This could be achieved by making Tom have a guerrilla arm. Ok, that's weird, but giving positive feedback first, then saying what could be improved is a good way to help people.
Note about Google Drive:
Multiple people can view and edit a Google Docs file simultaneously. More importantly, they don't have to worry about creating duplicate copies of the same file. With Google Docs, everyone working on a project makes changes to the same master document. As users make edits, Google Docs tracks all the changes and tags each edit with the responsible Google account holder's name. That way, the owner of the document can scan changes and see who is responsible for each edit.
Google designed Google Docs to autosave almost constantly, preserving each edit shortly after a user makes it. Other users see the updated changes instantly. While working with documents or presentations, users can see who else is in the file. And with spreadsheets, users can click on a tab labeled "discuss" to chat in real time about the project.